Friday 13 November 2009


'...we recruit the wrong people. There are a number of common mistakes:
  • We only recruit people like ourselves - people who fit with our particular personality or style of ministry.
  • We overlook the maverick or the revolutionary, who is harder to train but might evangelize nations.
  • We miss the creative or intuitive person, who is poor administrativley but will reach people in ways we haven't thought of.
  • We recruit the flashy, outgoing young superstar rather than the person of real character and substance.
  • We recruit only for one kind of ministry - usually the traditional form of it in our denomination - rather than starting with a gifted, godly person and thinking about what kind of ministry might be built around them.
  • We don't let people escape from the box into which we've put them; we don't let them outgrow the first impressions we have of them.
  • We wait too long to recruit someone, and they make family or career decisisons that close off ministry options.'
Colin Marshall & Tony Payne, The Trellis and the Vine, p.148.