Thursday 14 October 2010


'Things must go, not according to your understanding but above your understanding. Submerge yourself in lack of understanding, and I will give you my understanding. Lack of understanding is a real understanding; not knowing where you are going is really knowing where you are going. My understanding makes you without understanding. Thus Abraham went out from his homeland and did not know where he was going (Gen.12:1). He yielded and abandoned his own knowledge; and by the right way he reached the right goal. Behold, that is the way of the cross. You cannot find it, but I must lead you like a blind man. Therefore not you, not a man, not a creature, but I through my Spirit and my Word, will teach you the way you must go. You must not follow the work which you choose, not the suffering you devise, but that which comes to you against your choice, thoughts, and desires. There I call; there you must be a pupil; there it is the time; there your Master has come.'
Witte quoted by Dietrich Bonhoeffer in Nancy Guthrie (Ed.), Be Still My Soul, p.67.