Friday 22 October 2010


'You or your church should begin by discovering the needs of your locale. Are there disadvantaged children (abused and neglected, physically or mentally disabled, failing in school) who could use help? Are there elderly, disabled, single parents, chronically ill, or new immigrants who need aid? Are there poor families around that are invisible to you? To learn about these needs, Christians and churches need to do much more sustained listening to their community's leaders than they are used to doing...
Another thing that your church can do is to make a connection to churches and ministries that are resident and effective in poorer neighbourhoods and poorer countries. Ask them what they need from you, and likely the answer will be volunteers, pro bono work from professionals, funding, and perhaps even some of your church's best leaders coming and living and working with them in the communities of need. But let them tell you.'
Timothy Keller, Generous Justice, p.134.