Thursday 8 March 2012


'If there is any subject in the Bible about which preachers must not be vague or abstract, it is the subject of faith. For the biblical writers, faith is not a theoretical question. It met them and it meets us in the middle of life in the world. Faith is the door to the presence of God (Heb.11:6). Faith is the means by which we appropriate God's grace for salvation (Eph.2:8-9). Faith is the root of the Christian life (Rom.5:1). Faith unleashes power to serve God (Matt.17:20). In short, faith is at the core of the Christian life. Preaching is a call to faith, and it must be clear. Without faith we cannot please God (Heb.11:6). Without faith a relationship with God is not possible. Faith is essential to Christian spirituality.'
Alice P Mathews, Preaching That Speaks to Women, p.104.