Monday 23 March 2015


'Away vain world, bewitcher of my heart!
My sorrow shows, my sin makes me to smart!
Yet will I not despair, but to my God repair,
He has mercy ay, therefore will I pray.
He has mercy ay and loves me
Though by his humbling hand he proves me.

Once more away, shows loth the world to leave,
Bids oft adieu with it that holds me slave.
Loth am I to forgo this sweet alluring foe.
Since thy ways are vain, Shall I thee retain?
Since Thy ways are vain, I quite thee.
Thy pleasures shall no more delight me.

What shall I say? Are all my pleasures past?
Shall worldly joys now take their leave at last?
Yea, Christ, these earthly toys shall turn in heavenly joys.
Let the world be gone, I’ll love Christ alone!
Let the world be gone, I care not.
Christ is my love alone, I fear not.'

Alexander Montgomerie